Dr’s Appointment Adventure

So I made it to the Dr’s! She changed my meds around a bit and we are going to see where I am next month. Hoping this helps, I’m super stressed! The light at the end of the tunnel is even more distant now. 

Onto other news, my Dr seems to think that I don’t have bipolar, yet I have unexplained awake times that last for days. Then I’ll sleep 12 hrs a day to make up for it. Shes calling it major depression, so I just wanna scream.

I’m not sure whether to be sad, happy, or upset. Life has thrown me nothing but curve balls the past few weeks. Im about to start tossing them back. 

So far, I am not gaining any head way.  But I have to keep my head above water somehow. 

So off to brainstorm!

2 thoughts on “Dr’s Appointment Adventure

  1. Barbara

    So glad you got in. I remember so well what is what like…the medication trials to see what would work. Finally, we knew and I realized I was on it for the rest of my life. I remember what made me seek help…..got up, looked in my closet but could not decide what to wear to work that day. All I could do is cry. I know that it’s hard that it will take time to get you on an even keel. I was in therapy three times a week, then two….and it went on. Before I left from Wisconsin to move to Tennessee, I was still seeing her once a year for a check up. So, hang in there!


    1. You’re so awesome, thank you for your encouraging words! We are working on it. Just recent life events have rendered me useless when it comes to driving. Our car is still in the shop…so life had been a tad bit difficult. I am building strength daily though. Thanks for everything!


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